
Using Online Documents for Job Hunting

When faced with a large number of tasks to be done and all kinds of complex information, the use of Kanban to do task management can be the most effective and simple way to deal with it.
For example, at the beginning of a job search, we often do not know where to start and where to focus.
At this time, you can first create a task list of all the companies that are concerned and the status of the application. For example, application position, application date, interview time, website address, etc.
And light can then create online documents for free.

Job hunting shown in tasks

Next, simply click on the Kanban view and use the application status as a category option to easily see the progress of each company.

Job hunting activities in Kanban view

Tips: You can click directly on the Kanban page to sort by interview time. In this way, each progress will be arranged in chronological order. You can see which job interview you should prepare for first.